When Adulting Goes Well

When do you feel most productive?

It goes without saying that adulting is…a sham. I’d rather be a bossy teenager any day- however I feel the most productive when I can look back on my day like-

“Yeah….i was a good adult today”

I got my oil changed, brake light fixed, at no point did I raise my voice (too much) at my kids – I even baby sat my God kids andddd later in the day my roommates kids,

I redirected a meltdown my son was having, I helped a friend’s kid calm down and taught him a new self regulation technique….

Paid for some bills, and bought some groceries , wrote out and added to my budget list, made plans for appointments next week

I read the Bible to my kids before bed & practiced four scriptures with them

I read MY bible before bed


I had a good day of adulting today, hbu


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