Spiritual Wellness

What gives you direction in life?

I’m lost and confused when I have no spiritual wellness practices at all. I feel the most stable and grounded when I live my life to honor GOD and focus on a many practices like prayer, fasting, reading scripture, listening to scripture. I feel neutral when I do a few things here and there like read my Bible before bed for a few minutes and pray for a few minutes in the morning.

My direction comes from God✨ the more GOD the better the direction💙

When Adulting Goes Well

When do you feel most productive?

It goes without saying that adulting is…a sham. I’d rather be a bossy teenager any day- however I feel the most productive when I can look back on my day like-

“Yeah….i was a good adult today”

I got my oil changed, brake light fixed, at no point did I raise my voice (too much) at my kids – I even baby sat my God kids andddd later in the day my roommates kids,

I redirected a meltdown my son was having, I helped a friend’s kid calm down and taught him a new self regulation technique….

Paid for some bills, and bought some groceries , wrote out and added to my budget list, made plans for appointments next week

I read the Bible to my kids before bed & practiced four scriptures with them

I read MY bible before bed


I had a good day of adulting today, hbu


Just a Quiet Moment

Inhale the peace, and exhale the pieces, let go of the hurt and the meekness.

Drop the insults into the bottom of a well, leave them there in the deep , dark and grime..erase what they said from your mind, take your time. No she loves me, he loves me not, let your wellbeing remain on top. Regardless of what anyone says, don’t hold on to that sadness..

Out grown the old habits, make new improvements – it’s ok, you can do this.. When what used to help doesn’t anymore, don’t be tepid to go back to the drawing board.

You’ve changed and we are supposed to, would you expect any less? Find a quiet moment and….

Inhale the peace and exhale the pieces, let go of the hurt and the weakness.

Mental Health, Raising Better Humans etc.

What topics do you like to discuss?

– mental health

Our parents didn’t teach us enough, so be better for your own spawn

poetry which is my out for BIG feelings

This is called healthy coping, self taught 🤟

– I write letters to GOD on here from time to time, they’re titled “Hey God, me again”

It’s a personable 2024 like way to connect with my Abba, #noragrets

In conclusion I enjoy talking about mental health and how it affects children forever, I love writing poetry, mostly about wanting my Prince Charming to fall out the sky with sunflowers and chocolates (sarcasm). Another thing I can talk about NARCISSISM all day, fun fact it brews in **drumroll please** childhood!

God Bless & Go in Peace


How do you use social media?

Probably to trauma dump, but in a way that’s relatable. I like that we can use platforms to describe how we’re feeling during certain times and then overcome it, go back and it’s still there for us to remember what we were feeling.

Like an infinite diary 📔 ♾️

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

Stop trying to rush to success, you’re too hard on yourself. Look around, tell yourself good job, be proud and content of this season in your life wherever you may be💕

– Monae

Go Slow

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

We live in a fast paced world, we have everything at are fingertips and although that can be beneficial in other ways it can be drowning. The best decision I ever made was acknowledging where I am and how I got here. A quote that I love is, in order to go fast, go slow. We find ourselves trying to fix our problems quickly and that leads to burn out or failure. I’d rather take my time and succeed over time than speed my way to a failed attempt.

Follow me I write poems and short stories about my trauma



Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

There’s a children’s book that answers this and it’s called The Rabbit Listened.

I have a family member that just listened. No matter what the crisis big or small- important or benign just listened. No search parties, no over exertion, just listened. It played such a role on who I am today because it gave me that as a strength rather than a weakness, so many adults have issues with sitting and being quiet long enough to let a person get their feelings out – that is because it was not instilled in childhood.

I really try to stay intentional with everything and I listen and stay put, sometimes that is enough.

The Rabbit Listened https://youtu.be/rBjAWkog9n0?si=OodWOtRF5TlQG5Yo

follow me I write poems and short stories about my trauma 💙

What is your favorite restaurant?

I love a good authentic Mexican restaurant. Where the chips are crisp and the salsa has that right amount of spice. Each state has a different one , I’d love to get a list going but in Nashville I give it to Las Palmas. Something about a chimichanga on a hard day, sounds like a good day after all. L

follow me I write poems and short stories about my trauma 💙

Humble Open and Transparent

What does it mean to be HOT for GOD on fire for his word for a season, but lose it for the most futile reasons?

I found myself lost for GOD , longing for his grace when it was me who turned my face. Searching for fulfillment in an odd place.

It only took a moment to see sin in my rearview, to make me shift gears , when I should’ve stayed near you.

My GOD , my protector, even when I am the neglector

I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I guess that’s why you give it? I don’t deserve the repentance yet you always offer it…

I love you, truly. I promise to try to choose you each day like I know you choose me. I promise to seek your word each time I am clueless…promise to read and absorb the word of GOD and put it into practice.

No more running, no more manipulation tactics

Just a girl and her Heavenly Father , GOD Almighty

The world and temptations despite me, I will be fully present.

Doing my very best to remain humble, open and transparent.