Stand Still

Sometimes it’s not depression , but the loss of direction. The absence of progression…

Blank stares, hard heart, feelings of rejection.

I think the best approach is to find some acceptance

Stop running, ground yourself, recognize what’s happening sis

So you know what to do , to change it.

Time is not real, it comes and goes…

Why not spend those seconds where healthy seeds sow.

No need to over do it , save the over kill…

Breathe …

Inhale……. Exhale…..

Stand still.

Dear Future Me:

In the past I’ve made dear future me videos, but today I want to write to you…

First I want to say it’s okay if you’ve lost your way, you still shine… I know that you try so hard to be all the things, but sometimes just being emotionally content is enough. Our goals over the years have changed so much and we’ve checked off many…others we have not. I will say I’m proud of who you are today. You tried to make it work there, I know you did. You weren’t perfect, nor were your kids, but you were open and honest and trusting…I think that was enough. Other peoples negativity isn’t on us.

I want you to know that it’s ok, mistakes happen…but you are better than them. I trust that you know in your heart that if you wait, Yah will send you every thing your heart desires to your doorstep. Right now in 2024 we’re in a weird season… nothing makes sense and I have no vision. But it’s because I haven’t looked for one, I’ve just been existing…and THAT is OK. I used to force myself to be proactive when sometimes our brain just needs a break.

Take it all in Ms. Jackson, you will come out of this pity… baby be happy to be breathing.

I love you and Kris Jenner said it best

“You’re doing amazing sweetie”

His Name was Grant

Write about your first crush.

My first crush was Grant, we were in 2nd grade. He had long hair and was the only other non-white kid in the classroom with me in Oregon Ohio at Starr Elementary. I think he was of the Spanish decent, but I’m not sure. I liked him but he liked Sarah🙄🙄🙄🙄

he was always super kind, one time after I watched legally blonde, I tried the bend and snap trick with my pencil, he just picked up my pencil for me and messed up my plan.

Eventually he became Sarah’s boo and I just secretly hated her and her blonde bob from the sidelines. Hope she’s doing well now tho lol

What is a “Good” Father

A good Father, doesn’t give up when life gets tough.

He holds on to the people that he loves. A good father is patient and understanding, he knows that things are ever changing.

It’s hard to adjust to things you didn’t expect, 17 years old and a baby on your chest… we started early but we were still blessed.

I have had the chance to see you grow and change to be the best dad you can be even in the last year when nothing was the same.

A good father is not perfect but he’s present when it counts, a good father will make mistakes but he will correct them before they sprout.

A good father sees a challenge and lets it be a blessing.

You’re not afraid of the universe and its lessons.

For that you are valued, loved and honored. All of this to say …

Happy Father’s Day💙

Spiritual Wellness

What gives you direction in life?

I’m lost and confused when I have no spiritual wellness practices at all. I feel the most stable and grounded when I live my life to honor GOD and focus on a many practices like prayer, fasting, reading scripture, listening to scripture. I feel neutral when I do a few things here and there like read my Bible before bed for a few minutes and pray for a few minutes in the morning.

My direction comes from God✨ the more GOD the better the direction💙

When Adulting Goes Well

When do you feel most productive?

It goes without saying that adulting is…a sham. I’d rather be a bossy teenager any day- however I feel the most productive when I can look back on my day like-

“Yeah….i was a good adult today”

I got my oil changed, brake light fixed, at no point did I raise my voice (too much) at my kids – I even baby sat my God kids andddd later in the day my roommates kids,

I redirected a meltdown my son was having, I helped a friend’s kid calm down and taught him a new self regulation technique….

Paid for some bills, and bought some groceries , wrote out and added to my budget list, made plans for appointments next week

I read the Bible to my kids before bed & practiced four scriptures with them

I read MY bible before bed


I had a good day of adulting today, hbu


Mental Health, Raising Better Humans etc.

What topics do you like to discuss?

– mental health

Our parents didn’t teach us enough, so be better for your own spawn

poetry which is my out for BIG feelings

This is called healthy coping, self taught 🤟

– I write letters to GOD on here from time to time, they’re titled “Hey God, me again”

It’s a personable 2024 like way to connect with my Abba, #noragrets

In conclusion I enjoy talking about mental health and how it affects children forever, I love writing poetry, mostly about wanting my Prince Charming to fall out the sky with sunflowers and chocolates (sarcasm). Another thing I can talk about NARCISSISM all day, fun fact it brews in **drumroll please** childhood!

God Bless & Go in Peace


How do you use social media?

Probably to trauma dump, but in a way that’s relatable. I like that we can use platforms to describe how we’re feeling during certain times and then overcome it, go back and it’s still there for us to remember what we were feeling.

Like an infinite diary 📔 ♾️