Just a Quiet Moment

Inhale the peace, and exhale the pieces, let go of the hurt and the meekness.

Drop the insults into the bottom of a well, leave them there in the deep , dark and grime..erase what they said from your mind, take your time. No she loves me, he loves me not, let your wellbeing remain on top. Regardless of what anyone says, don’t hold on to that sadness..

Out grown the old habits, make new improvements – it’s ok, you can do this.. When what used to help doesn’t anymore, don’t be tepid to go back to the drawing board.

You’ve changed and we are supposed to, would you expect any less? Find a quiet moment and….

Inhale the peace and exhale the pieces, let go of the hurt and the weakness.

Humble Open and Transparent

What does it mean to be HOT for GOD on fire for his word for a season, but lose it for the most futile reasons?

I found myself lost for GOD , longing for his grace when it was me who turned my face. Searching for fulfillment in an odd place.

It only took a moment to see sin in my rearview, to make me shift gears , when I should’ve stayed near you.

My GOD , my protector, even when I am the neglector

I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I guess that’s why you give it? I don’t deserve the repentance yet you always offer it…

I love you, truly. I promise to try to choose you each day like I know you choose me. I promise to seek your word each time I am clueless…promise to read and absorb the word of GOD and put it into practice.

No more running, no more manipulation tactics

Just a girl and her Heavenly Father , GOD Almighty

The world and temptations despite me, I will be fully present.

Doing my very best to remain humble, open and transparent.

Hey God Me again …

I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. I’ve been lost lately and if I’m honest it’s my own fault. I got so caught up in wanting partnership that I lost my covenant with you. The worst part it is it wasn’t hard to fall, but I am having a HELL (pun intended) of a time trying to stand back up and walk with you. The enemy sure knows what buttons to press to get us out of our element- insecurity is a hell* (pun intended again) of a loop hole. But I thank you for covering me in my sin, I thank you that you don’t immediately turn away from me when I struggle, I thank you for welcoming me back with open arms and loads of joy. I thank you that after falling you didn’t take away all of your grace. I’ll admit that it was hard on the other side, everything hurt my feelings, everything made me want to die…what’s up with that??? I thought the world was supposed to be better, I guess spending time walking with you has shown me true peace and honey I tell you what- being over there…. IT SUCKS! It’s HELL!!!!! No satire, I’m fr- it’s burning, painful, skin scorching hell. I felt like I was standing up straight in 10ft of water just – drowning. I thought what I was missing was a man, but if all it takes for my mental capacity to crumble is insecurity then boy oh boy , I’m not ready. Being locked in with Adonai 🔐 is better than any goofy situationship.

I say all of that to say God, I choose you. The world sucks – I just want to walk with you – hear you, feel you, know you, trust you.

Love You.

yours forever,

Monae L. Jackson