Dear Future Me:

In the past I’ve made dear future me videos, but today I want to write to you…

First I want to say it’s okay if you’ve lost your way, you still shine… I know that you try so hard to be all the things, but sometimes just being emotionally content is enough. Our goals over the years have changed so much and we’ve checked off many…others we have not. I will say I’m proud of who you are today. You tried to make it work there, I know you did. You weren’t perfect, nor were your kids, but you were open and honest and trusting…I think that was enough. Other peoples negativity isn’t on us.

I want you to know that it’s ok, mistakes happen…but you are better than them. I trust that you know in your heart that if you wait, Yah will send you every thing your heart desires to your doorstep. Right now in 2024 we’re in a weird season… nothing makes sense and I have no vision. But it’s because I haven’t looked for one, I’ve just been existing…and THAT is OK. I used to force myself to be proactive when sometimes our brain just needs a break.

Take it all in Ms. Jackson, you will come out of this pity… baby be happy to be breathing.

I love you and Kris Jenner said it best

“You’re doing amazing sweetie”

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